Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The World is Changing Why Can't Education?

Photo credit: cayusa
The other day while sitting in my college English my teacher said that "her kid was going to have a job that doesn't even exist yet" and at the time I didn't really think much of it. But thinking about it now, if the jobs that the next generation will have don't exist yet then the way they learn those skills will also have to change, right? You would think so but really look at the way schools have been taught the past lets say 40 years. Okay lets look at high school for example the only two things that have changed education wise is math and science. In math they have added some more pointless things that we will never use after that class and then in science we are being taught new things that have been discovered each year but again most people won't need 3/4 of that knowledge. But in English and history we are reading the same books our parents read and learning about the same events in history that our parents studied in high school. The grades are still the same, you have kids that act up to get attention and that takes away from the kids who want to learn, teachers are still giving busy work, there is still one way to do things and one right answer and if you're wrong you fail. John Coleman has a perfect example of this "He was bright, hardworking, and motivated. But he had bad habits that were hard to break. Joey would become so focused on the perfect answer to a problem, he wouldn't consider implementation. He feared failure so much that he would hide his mistakes until they grew worse." So is school being hurtful or helpful? Okay another example in order to get into a good college you must have a good GPA and score good on the SAT. But there is so much busy work that means nothing in high school that kids get tired of doing it and even if they do good on the test they could still fail. In the case of Nick's Story school was not for him he says "The idea of a student primarily learning outside of the classroom was unheard of. It especially confused them when I scored highly on tests, despite ignoring all lectures and homework. I was always told that I had potential, but because I wasn’t doing the work that they provided, I wasn’t living up to that potential." 

That's just high school, I have to say once you get into college and you find a major that you would like to pursue the classes you take are way more helpful. But unlike high school you don't have to go to college so you have to want to be there. You should ask yourself a few simple questions to make sure it's right for you. says "Know the answers to the following questions: Who are you doing this for? What are your goals? What is your vision of how your credential will serve you? What is your overall purpose? Moreover, you have to own this purpose—it can't be a dream borrowed from a parent, spouse, boss, or counselor. It's far too easy to quit if that's the case." and I couldn't agree more with knowing the answers to those questions. College is far to expensive to not put forth the effort. 

Photo credit: chuckp
One thing that college can be good for that most people probably don't even think about is connecting with the people you meet in college. Networking is a huge piece of the puzzle when it comes to finding a job. It's all about who you know "This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or a outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's about personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't" I know my mom using networking in her job all the time and it is very beneficial to her. 

I leave you with a question from The American Dream "Now that a college degree won't open the same doors that it used to, is college really worth it?" 

ume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
ume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
ume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:
This means that something is needed above and beyond a college degree in order to land the best positions. This something could be an outstanding resume, a stellar recommendation, or an outgoing personality, but oftentimes it's personal connections that determines who gets a job and who doesn't.
Read more at Buzzle:



  1. I agree with you Evan, school is just the same as it was 40 and 50 years ago. We as a society need to start advancing our educational systems and learn practical everyday knowledge. Not learn useless information that only help us pass a class.

  2. I really like the way you took this blog! it was much different then many others which helps keep your audience engaged! good job!

  3. Evan I didn't realize it to now myself, the way technology is increasing is what we are being taught a waste of time? Your hyperlinks are also relevant to the blog. Good job
